MHE Team


Licensed Professional Engineer, New York
Licensed Professional Engineer, Pennsylvania


Bachelor of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Clarkson University


American Water Works Association
New York Water Environmental Association
American Society of Civil Engineers

Michael W. Weeks, P.E.


Michael Weeks is a Principal at MHE Engineering. He is also the Director of Engineering and Head of the Civil Engineering Division.

His areas of responsibility include:

  • Overall Design Team Management
  • General Consultation Regarding Municipal Infrastructure
  • Oversight of Engineers and Engineering Technicians
  • Preparation of Detailed Plans and Specifications
  • Commercial Site Development
  • Hydrology and Hydraulic Design
  • Review of Planning Board Applications


Town of New Windsor, NY Butterhill Water System, Project Engineer

  • Development of three new groundwater supplies with a permitted taking of approximately 6.4 MGD (million gallons per day) and associated water system improvements to serve finished water to the Town Water District.

Town of Thompson, Kiamesha Treatment Improvement Project, Lead Engineer

Town of Thompson, Melody Lake, Lead Engineer

  • Provided design, permitting and construction administration services for the Melody Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant in order to address the low flows at the facility.

New Windsor Caesar Lane Wastewater Treatment Plant, Engineer of Record

  • Provided engineering services to the Town of New Windsor for a variety of projects related to the Wastewater Treatment Plant over the past 20 years and is currently the lead engineer responsible for a $44 million dollar modification at the Caesar Lane WWTP.

City of Port Jervis SSES, Engineer of Record

  • City wide Sewer System Evaluation Survey, including flow monitoring, CCTV, and Analyses and Report Preparation.

Town of New Windsor, Butterhill Stream Bank Stabilization Project, Engineer of Record

  • Bank restoration and stabilization along approximately 490 linear feet of the Butterhill stream bank. FEMA and NRCS Emergency Water Grants secured by MHE. Total project cost of $1.6 million.

Village of Otisville, Seybolt Avenue Watermain Replacement Project, Engineer of Record

  • Replacement of 4 inch cast iron watermain with a new 8-inch PVC watermain.

Town of Middletown, Sterling Street Sewer Replacement, Lead Engineer

  • Prepared design plans, specifications and an engineering report for the improvements to the Sterling Street and Vicinities Sewer Lines Improvement.